Interview by
with Ann-Jeanette Nergaard (me),
and its video promo

Video showing a sneak peek of an Interview at with me, where we talked more about who I am, what I do, and what inspires me to do more.

I decided that I wanted to create a way of showing the interview on Instagram and other Social Media-platforms, so I created a mockup from a photography, and added a video-grab from the website. Likewise I added my Branding. This is the result of that.

Underneath you'll also be able to read the interview in full.
This is the link for the interview on <--
This is the link for the Reel on Instagram: here <--

What is your weapon of choice?
A hammer! No, just kidding. Although I do know how to use a hammer, design-wise I prefer Adobe Illustrator.

However, I am seeking towards integrating more manual and analogue processes, it's so nice to take a break from the screen. This would be things like painting with watercolour, lettering with different tools, sewing and knitting (wait, that would hint towards needles being my favourite weapon, but I can assure you that they are not as I could faint right now from writing about it), and so on.

How did you get started as a creator?
I think I've always been a creator - aren't we all? I always wanted to draw, do hobby-stuff with my mom, knitting, etc.

When I was younger I frequently wrote in my diary, short poetry, songs, I loved singing, I danced swing/rock'n'roll, played the clarinet, etc. I am so happy that I'm able to continue being creative into my adult life, as it seems to have been a part of me for so long. I'm grateful I discovered Graphic Design.

On that note, I even did PowerPoint-presentations for my parents!

What gets you most excited about your work?
There are two parts to this;

1. I love helping people, and this really lights me up. Whatever my clients might need help with, I just enjoy figuring it out and being able to provide a solution which is going to have them feel great and inspired. 
2. I enjoy being able to have an outlet, a platform, for creativity. To be able to express myself creatively, really helps me and keeps my spirit up.

It's the perfect combination I guess - helping others, and in the process, helping myself.
Where do you get inspiration from?
I often find inspiration outside, especially in nature, but also in antiques, furniture, old books, or old anything. I would also say that the energy that emanates from the pieces of art by other artists, it is very inspirational. It's like the energy travels from one to the other, and it usually leaves me with a freshness to continue working on something.

In nature, I look with more of a micro view for details, colors, patterns, textures, and with a macro perspective on the shape, composition, balance, etc.

What advice would you give your younger self?
Don't worry too much about it and let it go, let it go (I know you hear it too).

I've actually had a very hard time letting go of my creative work, especially those "passion projects" that doesn't necessarily have a purpose other than 'just because'. I've found though that, once I did publish them, those have been the ones receiving the most attention on platforms like Behance.

Like, what was I even worried about in the first place?!
What do you do to promote your work?
I start with posting on Behance (actually that's not true, I normally start with Instagram, but hey, for the purpose of a timeline, let's pretend), and from there it gets automatically added to my portfolio. Likewise, I get to share to other platforms directly; Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.

Then, given that Instagram is my platform of choice, I post the full images there with a good caption telling more of the story (and repost that to Facebook). It's quite a circle. 
I'm also working on sharing more of my process as people seem to appreciate that quite a lot. It builds trust.
Tell us about a project you are most proud of.
I would say every project renews me and makes me proud in new and different ways. I continue evolving with them, and it's a journey.

However, if I were to choose one that is a representation of my style and aesthetic right now, I would choose my "Brand Pattern and Illustrations | Art Deco-Inspired"-Project. I would love to extend this project to reality; have a coffee-and-tea-set, pillows, posters, etc. 
It makes me proud in a way where I see that it is possible to make beautiful things, and it inspires me to do more.

You find a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million.
What would you do?

When I win the lottery (see what I did there, I manifested it - hehe) I'll invest in my family, my work, and just get the tools I've always wanted to try. That inspires me to be better.

I would also hire someone, and we would do amazing projects for those who really need it. We'd develop creative and self-help/emotional material for kids.

I also wouldn't hesitate to get all the inventory for, and to launch, a boutique hotel. And I'd also travel to see everyone in Norway, and perhaps have a second wedding with everyone present.

How do you switch off?
I switch ON the television - it's my guilty pleasure. I love movies, TV-series,
and I can "Netflix and Chill" all day if you let me. I also work from bed on the days I just need a slow start.

These are some of my favorite things about working remotely; that self-care aspect of choosing which environment and what timings work best.

I also love going for mini-vacations to the beach, the forest, or any beautiful, preferably natural, location. I love to feel the fresh air, the sun, and take in all the beauty that is always found in nature.
Thank you so much for everything,

Best Regards,

Ann-Jeanette Boutique Studio
Other Credits:
This is the link for the interview on <--
Computer: Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

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